Sunday 15th September, 10am-4pm
Lunch will be provided
Join us for this day at Kentish Town City Farm organised in partnership with Permablitz London to complete the exemplar balcony at the farm.
Building recycled wicking planters 10am-1pm
In the morning we will be adding wicking reservoirs to recycled planters for the exemplar balcony at the farm. You will learn about different ways to Once finished we’ll be planting them with herbs and autumn salads.
Workshop: Designing a beautiful wildlife-friendly tiny space 2pm-4pm
This workshop will outline the permaculture approach to maximising yield by designing a multi-functional tiny, outdoor space. Susannah Hall, Garden Educator at Kentish Town City Farm and Permablitz London organiser won Camden in Bloom Best Mini-Garden in 2021 for her sixth floor balcony where she grew 50 different plants, had a wormery to compost kitchen waste, a space for natural dyeing and kept quails.
This day is free to attend but please RSVP to to let us know you are coming and can make sure we have enough lunch.